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SLIIT Malabe

Faculty of Computing
Students Community

The Faculty of Computing Students' Community was established under the Faculty of Computing of SLIIT and consists of Computing Undergraduates. Since there is a growing competition in the Sri Lankan job market in relation to this field of knowledge, we focus on nurturing the hard and soft skills which would improve their employability after the successful completion of the degree, as well as organizing events for the Student Community to grow academically as well as to get in touch with their creative senses, to promote a stress free and memorable University experience.

FCSC is the most prominent Student Community of SLIIT which thrives for the betterment of the largest and most well-known Faculty of SLIIT.


Objectives of Faculty of Computing Students' Community:

  • To support the academic programs conducted by the Faculty of Computing by organizing co-curricular activities.
  • To provide opportunities for students to be aware of latest trends and industry expectations by organizing events where industry experts participate.
  • To encourage and provide support to student communities within the Faculty of Computing to organize events which alin with the aims and objectives of the Faculty of Computing Student Body.
  • To impart the necessary soft skills to the student in the Faculty of Computing which are required to successfully face the competitive atmosphere in today's job market.
  • To promote and organize cultural and social activities.

The following are some of the Main events organized by Faculty of Computing Students' Community,

  1. Viramaya

Viramaya is arguably the most prominent event organized by the Student Community of SLIIT. This event is organized by the Faculty of Computing Students' Community (FCSC) of SLIIT and pays homage to the Classical aspect of Sri Lankan music. The Faculty of Computing Student community, being the largest student body of the university, puts together an event of alluring musical performances of the university students; with the potential to blossom in the music industry, alongside well distinguished and reputed professional artists of the Sri Lankan music industry. It aims bringing together students as well as the academic and non-academic staff of SLIIT, to relax and enjoy a musical extravaganza unlike any other. Talking about the Initiation, VIRAMAYA made its debut in the year 2012 at SLIIT main campus premises, Malabe. It pioneered in showcasing the talents of its own students and has since been an event which has unearthed hidden gems from the midst of our very own community and attracted a keen audience from the university community. After a hiatus of five years, VIRAMAYA made its comeback in the year 2017.

  1. Blood Donation

An open Blood donation organized by the Faculty of Computing Students' Community in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Blood Bank. The true meaning of sharing and contribution will be portrayed, and students will be joining for this program despite what their year is. This service project is one of the signature events organized by the Faculty of Computing Students' Community where thousands of lives are benefited from this. This is organized at the SLIIT Auditorium and Students from all faculties join to donate blood.

  1. Mini Hackathon

This event is organized by the FCSC collaborating with the MS Club of SLIIT. Mini Hackathon is a competition, targeting 1st and 2nd year students; to improve their brainstorming and business analytical skills. This is not only a event but also a new experience for the Juniors of the Faculty developing their team skills, communication skills and other skills mentioned above. Here they come up with an innovative idea within a timeframe given to the contestants. The Panel of Judges is a well-experienced judge panel with a bank of knowledge. The Winners are awarded with official certificates and valuable gifts.

  1. Annual Pirith Ceremony

The whole academic staff and the student body of SLIIT participates in this spiritual event. Buddhist Priests from the temples around Malabe will be invited for the Pirith Ceremony. All participants will stay overnight at SLIIT. This a great opportunity for the students to build a great bond with the community.

  1. Talk with Giant

This is an informational interview series which is organized by FCSC by collaborating with Sri Lanka's popular and successful personalities. We believe that the students are in need of motivation at times like these in order to face the challenges during a pandemic like this. These sessions will be opened to all students from all academic years. Experts will answer students that are raised by students, and this will provide motivation and enthusiasm to students in order to carry out their future endeavors. Our main goal is to reach out to the students during a global pandemic to support them.

We have already concluded two sessions with two giants from the Sri Lankan cinema, Mr. Thumindu Dodanthenna & Mr. Wasantha Dukgannarala respectively. We have received positive feedbacks with over 2500 participants.


The covid-19 pandemic has limited every student and every individual from physically meeting, We the FCSC as the main student community at SLIIT have decided to move on with the current situation. To face the new normal atmosphere the best move to make during this pandemic is to shift into virtual platforms and execute projects.

The FCSC has focused on finding a method to connect students to stabilize a good relationship between students since physical meeting are not permitted. FCSC has partnered up with the Chess team of SLIIT to host a Virtual Chess championship the titled as “Gambit”. This chess tournament is an open event for all the faculties.

We believe that this project will enhance the relationship between students to make a positive impact on their mental health and social wellbeing.

  1. Wasantha Muwadora

This event is the main event to celebrate the Sinhala and Tamil new year in Sri Lanka. An Awurudu Uthsawaya that is open to all students of SLIIT And the Staff members. It is a day full of traditional games and events.

The Sinhala and Tamil new year are celebrated at the SLIIT premises with the participation of all students and the staff members. The true Sri Lankan traditions and the norms will be celebrated here at SLIIT Premises. The true meaning of togetherness and unity will be portrayed among the students. Individuals of all races and religions will participate at this event. And the whole student body and the staff will join together as one family.


A friendly cricket tournament that is open to all the students of SLIIT. This comprise of a full day of cricket matches and stalls. This is a project that is organized in order to enhance the relationship between students at SLIIT. Sportsmanship is vital for human beings and most importantly it is important to all the students as they're entering a world of competition. At this event the students will get a lot of exposure to the competitiveness and the value of teamwork for their future endeavors. Building strong teamworking individuals and competitive students is the main motive of this and to enhance the Understanding between students.

  1. BUILD-UP Wednesday

This is organized by the FCSC in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit of SLIIT. This is held on every Wednesday with the participation of Students and Industry experts who will share their experience with the students. As the students will be stepping into the industry in the upcoming years these kinds of informational projects are extremely vital. The students will have an understanding and an idea regarding the industry and will be motivated to work towards their goals. The Faculty of Computing Student Community has understood the vitality of these projects and organized the sessions for betterment of these students' future activities. Since the ongoing pandemic this project has moved to a virtual platform and is being conducted successfully.


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